List Installed Packages Names Only with dpkg-query | List of commands

List Installed Packages Names Only with dpkg-query | List of commands This command will List number of details about packages
Name the package name
Version the package version number
Architecture the package cpu architecture
Description brief information about package
 $ dpkg -l 

# List Installed Packages Names Only
 $ dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W 

# List Installed Packages Names Only with dpkg
 $ dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | cut -f 1 

# List Installed Packages and Details with apt-get or apt
 $ apt list --installed 

# Count Installed Packages with dpkg
 $ dpkg -l | grep -e "^ii" | wc -l 

# Count Installed Packages with apt-get
 $ apt list --installed | wc -l 

# Search and Filter In Installed Packages with dpkg and grep
 $ dpkg -l  | grep apache2 

# Search and Filter In Installed Packages with apt and grep
 $ apt list --installed | grep apache2 

# Save Installed Packages List To A File
 $ dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > installed_packages.txt 

# Install Packages From List File with dpkg
 $ dpkg --set-selections installed_packages.txt 

# List all the tools to be installed in Kali Linux
 $ apt-cache search kali-linux 

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